Pusha's Premium Mukhwas Mouth Freshner - Original 125G

  • ₹100.00
  • ₹100.00
    • Net Weight : 125G

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Pusha’s Premium Mukhwas is a traditional after-meal mouth freshener and digestive aid. It’s a proven Grandma’s recipe handmade with  premium natural aromatic ingredients and  herbs. Pusha’s Mukhwas  offers a burst of flavors that help in digestion and leave a pleasant taste and aroma in the mouth. It freshens the breath and promotes better digestion.

Key characteristics Pusha’s of mukhwas include:

1.     Aromatic Flavours: Pusha’s Premium Mukhwas features a combination of seeds and herbs with aromatic properties. These ingredients release fragrant oils that contribute to its distinct signature flavour.

2.     Digestive Benefits: Fennel seeds and herbs used in Pusha’s Mukhwas are known for their digestive properties. It aids digestion and alleviate bloating.

3.     Refreshing: Pusha’s Mukhwas provides a refreshing and palate-cleansing experience after a meal. The blend of flavours helps neutralize any strong tastes and leaves a pleasant aftertaste and aroma.

4.     Cultural Significance:. Serve your guests with Pusha’s Premium Mukhwas as a sign of hospitality at weddings, celebrations, and festivals.

5.     Mouth Freshening: Authentic natural flavours in Pusha’s mukhwas helps combat bad breath, making it instrumental for maintaining oral hygiene.

6.     Natural Ingredients: Pusha’s Mukhwas is made from natural ingredients, making it a healthier alternative to artificially flavoured breath mints.
