Sorghum Millet Jowar Flakes (450 Grams)

  • ₹225.00
  • ₹225.00
    • Net Weight : 450G

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Rich in fibre , iron, calcium, vitamins and micro nutrients. Good for heart, blood sugar and bone health.Use Pusha's Sorghum Jowar flakes for tasty preparations like  porridge, tikki, chiwda, laddu, etc in the most convenient way.

1.    Gluten-Free: Jowar flakes are an excellent option for individuals who are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease, as jowar is naturally gluten-free.

2.    Nutrient-Rich: Jowar is a good source of essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, protein, B vitamins (such as B1, B2, B6), and minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

3.    Dietary Fiber: Jowar flakes are high in dietary fiber, which can support digestive health, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management.

4.    Low Glycemic Index: Jowar has a lower glycemic index compared to some other grains, meaning it causes a slower and more gradual increase in blood sugar levels after consumption.

5.    Rich in Antioxidants: Jowar contains antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

6.    Heart Health: The fiber and nutrients in jowar can contribute to heart health by helping to lower cholesterol levels and support overall cardiovascular function.

7.    Vitamins and Minerals: Jowar is a source of important vitamins and minerals that play roles in energy metabolism, bone health, and overall well-being.

8.    Variety of Uses: Jowar flakes can be used as a breakfast cereal by adding milk or a dairy-free alternative. They can also be mixed with yogurt or fruits for added flavor and nutrition.

9.    Versatility: Beyond flakes, jowar can be used to make various other food items such as rotis (flatbreads), porridge, and even baked goods.

10.Natural Flavor: Jowar has a mild, slightly nutty flavor that can be appealing to a wide range of tastes.

11.Satiety: Due to its fiber content, jowar flakes can help keep you feeling full and satisfied, which may assist in controlling overeating.

12.Weight Management: Incorporating jowar flakes into a balanced diet can contribute to weight management due to its nutrient density and fiber content.
